History repeats itself if you choose to pay attention. Right now we are in three cycles of repeat:

  1. Global pandemic similar to the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918

  2. Economic Crisis similar to the Depressions we’ve faced before

  3. Civil unrest similar to the Civil Unrest of 1968 or 1992 when injustice and police brutality were on the front lines

I wrote previous posts about the first two cycles and now let’s discuss the last one. At the time of this writing, the country (and several other countries) is experiencing widespread protests against police brutality and injustice against Black/African Americans and People of Color (POC). As a history major, I often think about the arc of history and how the race I was born into got where we are.

I identify as a Caribbean-American woman and as a child of immigrants. I am not a product of the “Black American,” experience, however, I understand that I am not exempt from it. I fully understood the “Black” experience when I attended the HBCU, Florida A&M University, and learned the whole truth. I learned about the experiences of Black and Brown people in this country and the cycles of disruption in their upward mobility. How there are countless and systematic restrictions on how one group is allowed to live (Jim Crow), where they live (redlining), and sometimes even who they experience life with (anti-miscegenation or anti-interracial marriage). My upbringing taught me that there are opportunities everywhere and that all you needed was hard work but as we are now all learning sometimes that is just not enough. Especially when the color of your skin makes you a target or a threat to some people.

Ever since hearing Maggie Anderson speak at the 7th Annual Houston Black Leadership Forum in 2017, I became resolved on two principles regarding my participation in the fight/struggle for equality:

  1. The fight for Civil Rights or Equality is about economics, therefore my contribution is to help others position themselves to access more money, and then everything else will follow.

  2. All movements must be funded and they are funded by entrepreneurship. Therefore my contribution and efforts are to build up my businesses and use my money to support causes and people on the front lines.

In times like this, I encourage you to determine your participation level and do it. Do not let social media shame, judge, push, or pull you out of alignment with your purpose. Educate yourself. Educate your family. Educate those that you have influence over. Stand up for what you believe with your spending. Vote for who represents your interests. Pray for the truth and justice to prevail. And stay focused!

2020 is teaching us several lessons. Hopefully, we’ll learn them…

@2017-2024 Markita Samuel