I’m a June baby and my birthday was June 11th, but as of June 11, 2020, we were still in an international crisis called Coronavirus (in addition to an economic depression and massive protests and civil unrest #funtimes). So how does one even celebrate in times of crisis? Should you even celebrate when 100k+ people (in the US alone) have died and people are struggling financially and emotionally to deal with all of the issues that are facing our country? Do you even want to?
The answer is thoughtfully, yes, and you better! One thing for sure this time has taught me is life is precious! And I am thankful for every breath, every opportunity, and every moment I’m alive, and I will celebrate. See celebrating is a form of defiance, of protest, of love. It says I will not let the present troubles of this world overtake my joy, peace, and happiness. I will not let what I cannot control, control me. I have a place in the world and I will celebrate every step along the journey.
So I took myself out. I put on something cute, did my hair, and put on makeup. I actually left my little radius of home and grocery store and went beyond the bubble. I went to a restaurant. I wore a mask and I sat outside on the patio and socially distanced myself. But I went out again. I felt the sun. I saw cars. I saw people. Yes, many did not have masks. Yes, many were not socially distancing. That’s out of my control. I contributed to the local economy. I went gallivanting! I went to the boardwalk. I saw the ocean. I saw the birds. I remembered that I am a person in this world outside of all of the noise. I ate and drank all kinds of deliciousness! I listened to my music loudly. I talked. I listened. I thanked all the people who reached out. I laughed on the phone. I lived!
And that’s what it’s all about. Celebrating is another form of living. For month’s we’ve been surviving but not living. Don’t stop living. That is what makes the human experience memorable. However, you choose to celebrate life’s many moments during these challenging times go for it! Whether it’s virtual proms, virtual graduations, drive-bys, or Zoom parties, live baby live!