I’m writing this the week before Memorial Day weekend while witnessing several states (in the US) and several countries easing their Coronavirus lockdown procedures. Some people are more than ready to get back out and get back to their lives, while for others there is no going back and due to their personal experiences with Coronavirus, they do not want to rush. Unfortunately, there is no happy medium and with no vaccination in sight, we have to balance all of the issues that we are facing. The intention of the lockdown was to ease the pressure on hospitals and provide widespread access to testing. We also gave the general public the opportunity to prepare for life in a Coronavirus world by practicing different preventative measures (social distancing, wearing masks, etc.) and increased hygiene policies (wash your hands!). However, the average American does not have adequate savings nor access to emergency funds so being out of work is leading to the possibility of poverty, starvation, and homelessness. With a lack of effective and prepared social safety nets, the unemployment system, the healthcare system, and charitable organizations are just overrun and understaffed to deal with the growing needs of millions of unemployed and sick people. So for many in leadership, the only solution is to “go back to normal,” but there is no normal to go back to. After three months of stay at home orders, work from home, and learn from home adjustments we are not going back, we only can go forward, and that’s ok, for some it’s actually great!
For many of us, we realized our previous lives were wholly unsustainable and unhealthy. We were not spending enough time working on personal purposes or focusing on our health. We were also neglecting our family and communities. We never talked to our friends or neighbors, always chasing the “I’m busy” rabbit. I want to propose that instead of “going back” we instead take a moment to examine. Let’s review the habits, routines, mindsets, relationships that we had, and what exactly we should pick back up. For example, many of us have been cut off from the go, go, go mindset that was driving us to an early grave. With the entire world being at a standstill we realized much of that drive was based upon incorrect mindsets and mostly fear. Trying to chase money, fame, and acceptance will only leave you exhausted because the bar is always moving, and reaching those targets is unsustainable. Give yourself permission to take this international disruption as an opportunity to change, because change is good! We need it. The seasons change, our bodies change, why not our mindsets, habits, etc?
One reason we resist change is not having a growth mindset. When you have a fixed mindset you resist change and you fear anything new. You want things to stay the way they were so you can deal with them. You feel empowered in the past and unable or ill-equipped to deal with the future. This is not how you were created to live and this is not going to help you live in a Coronavirus/2020 world. Instead, build up the physical and mental endurance to handle change. Realize while many external things are changing the things that really matter are grounded. Why you were created and your value should never change. You matter as a person whether you have money or not. Whether you have a job or not. Whether you still have the same relationships or connections or not. Learn how to build resilience to challenges and how to overcome them no matter how difficult. Build up a team of supporters around you that will encourage you and assist you no matter what. Above all be clear that change will come, and it should come, and most times its better for you especially if you initiate it. Initiate the changes needed for this post Coronavirus world and beyond this moment.