Whew! We are officially in May and Day 43 of the crisis…
30+ millions of Americans have filed for unemployment
There are 1,091,038 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States with 64,203 deaths
The state of Texas has opened back up…
This week has been fine for me, but for my clients, networks, and community I noticed a trend of distraction that was increasing as each day continued. Now let me be clear, I’m not above distraction I’m just disciplined to it. I learned that distractions will come and I created safety measures to balance the inevitable. If I have to give some nos, I’m going to dish them out. If I have to stay up late let’s get some snacks! I’m determined to get to my goals. I refuse to lose any time not pursuing what is important. However, I’m also not a robot, so every once in a while I do get off track, just like the next person, and especially in a global pandemic, downtime is very necessary. Nevertheless, I believe there is opportunity in crisis and beyond the economic ones, there are also personal opportunities. For example, during this crisis one could:
get some well-needed rest
learn how to cook
cook more and eat healthier
learn how to bake
bake more and enjoy
connect or re-connect with loved ones
spend time with children
spend time with your significant other
clean and re-organize your house
play games and take much-needed downtime
write or start (or re-start 😅) a blog
write a book
start a podcast
start a business
go exercising or start exercising
learn a language
on, on, and on
The list can go on and on. However, you will not be able to do any of the above unless you take stock of the situation in front of you, take a moment to digest it, and determine your response. In a global pandemic, priorities should get really clear. What used to matter fades away in the light of our frailties. Your health, your loved ones, work that is fulfilling, and community that is supportive start to come into focus. Normal day-to-day responsibilities and routines become examined with a fine-tooth comb. Yeah, you used to talk to that person but would they a good person to talk to in a pandemic? Yeah, you used to visit that place but is it worth visiting during a pandemic? On and on… In light of a pandemic, you should examine what really matters. Yes, I understand that using the term pandemic is extreme, but sometimes we need a wake-up call and this is a global wake up call. I examined my current obligations and re-ordered my priorities:
I started exercising because this disease took out people who had underlying health conditions and “thickness” does not help your heart!
I gave my written resignation from one of the boards I served on because the direction of leadership did not align with how I wanted to use my time in the service of others.
I took stock of my personal relationships and decided to forgive without an apology and love without limitations.
I examined my spiritual growth and gave thanks for having great spiritual leaders and even surviving such a scary moment in history.
I have cooked more than I have in years and am enjoying it and what comes in the quiet time of reflection with a good meal.
I watched great movies and shows and renewed my love for certain topics.
I had dance parties and listening parties.
I took courses and listened to trainings.
I’ve talked to family members that I have not talked to in years.
I paid off debt and re-organized my financial files.
I renewed my plan for financial freedom and galvanized my resolve.
I re-started two blogs and a Coronovirus journal! (overachiever!)
I re-engaged my business audience and am more creative than ever.
I’m researching several new business opportunities that I never thought to pursue before I had more time to think.
I even busted out cards and played solitaire. I cannot tell you the last time I played a game of cards.
And there’s more to come!
I took this time and examined where I was and where I wanted to be and took some action to get there. Life is short. And we are being constantly reminded of that on a daily basis, with the daily death tolls being reported. However temporary, life is still precious and I want to spend my time doing what matters. Impacting people. Leaving a legacy. And having some fun!
There is a Scripture that states, “Resist the devil and he shall flee from you. (TS2009-James 4:7)” I believe the devil comes in the form of distractions. Should you help someone who really doesn’t want to change but keeps blowing up your phone to talk? Should you help a family member do something they can do on their own instead of finishing that email? Should you attend another zoom meeting/training/conference/listening party/whatever, instead of taking that walk with your spouse? These may be small but it’s the small decisions that add up throughout the day, week, and month and land us short of our goals and often short of happiness.
We all have been given a great gift of uninterrupted time to examine ourselves, our lives, and our connections. Are you where you want to be? Do you feel that you are fulfilling your purpose? Are you happy? Do you enjoy what you do and whom you do it with? Are you healthy? Is your family ok? Are you showing up in your family? Are you showing up in your community? Are you showing up as yourself? These are some of life’s big questions that can easily be answered right now because you have nowhere to go and less to do. Once answered, be sure to align your actions to your desires. Anything that does not line up, resist. Put up your boundaries and put yourself first. Nothing will change until you change.