Today is April 17, 2020, we are a month + into the Houston - Texas - United States - Global Pandemic Lockdown, and as a writer and historian I felt led to pull pen to paper and document my experiences and thoughts. I have always loved history and learned the power of history is in the holder of the pen. So I’m sharing some of my first-hand account of one of the most impactful times that one can ever live.
I’ve been writing since I was a child. I currently keep several journals. Two for my business, one for my personal life, one for my notes from church, one from my mentorship program, and sometimes for special situations (like a global pandemic). I graduated as a History Education Major from Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU) in 2008. While at FAMU I honed my writing skills and became a published author with my first work, “A Road Runs Through: The Effects of Interstate 95 and Urban Redevelopment on Overtown, Miami,” which documented the demise of the all-black town of Overtown, Miami. This work won 2nd Place in the 2007 Banks-Pierro-Rutland-Bellamy Social Science Colloquium and was published in the Fall 2007 “Sunrise” Newsletter of the Virginia Beach Park Trust and the 2007 Florida A&M University Honor’s Journal. Then while in law school I became a published author in the book collaborative about the history of Texas Southern University entitled, “Our Story Presidents’ Edition: TSU Legends & Leaders.” So history and writing are my thing! When I started my business, I started a blog that I let die off as my voice and perspective changed and I no longer felt led to public expression. But now is the time to share.
In the face of such a critical time, I feel compelled to speak up and share my story, my view, and my wisdom. So today I want to share that you too must stand up and use this moment in history. No, you may not need to put pen to paper but maybe you have stories to share with loved ones. Maybe its time to hold leadership accountable. Maybe you can render care and compassion. Maybe you can offer creative solutions to pressing problems. Whatever you feel led to do please do.
We often romanticize what we would do if we lived through times of great challenges like previous generations. Whether during the pre-Civil War era, women’s suffrage, the Cold War, or Vietnam, taking a stance counts. But here is your moment. Here is your opportunity. Here is your time.
I’m going to raise my voice by raising my pen. What will you do?