With all of the time home alone, isolated, separated from all that we associated with, the question arises… Do you like what you see? Do you like you? Now, we’re with ourselves all day and if you focus, you will start to see things that you didn’t notice before. Habits, reactions, thought patterns, etc. It’s like the apps that run in the background of your phone. They can either be helpful or harmful. Are the things running in your unconscious helpful or harmful? Are your habits, reactions, and thought patterns taking you where you want to be or not? Are they aligned with who you want to be or not? Do you even know?
We have all been given the ultimate re-boot! Everything before quarantine seems like another age. Like BC is Before Christ, we now have BQ, Before Quarantine or BP, Before Pandemic…. Which gives the unique opportunity to review and make changes and come out of this even better than before. You have to know that you are the most important and impactful person in your life. Read that again. You are the most important and impactful person in your life! So if you do not like you, Houston we have a problem! But with every problem, there is a solution and here it is - Grace. Maybe in BQ, you were just running on fumes trying to make it all work but now you can take the time to define and align your identity, values, and actions to create the person and life that you’ve been called to live. Take the opportunity!